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Are We There Yet? vol. 66 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 66

This week, Wolf Group Capital Advisors welcomed two college students for an eight-week internship where they will learn all facets of our business.  Our hope is that they will learn a lot but also that we will learn a lot too.  Varun and Noah join us from the University of Virginia and Middlebury College, respectively.   Both young men are engaging, smart, curious and very excited about the eight weeks ahead.

Our COO, Cathy Lee often advocates that people can lead from any seat in the organization and she bravely suggested that if we want to cultivate leaders, we should give our younger employees the opportunity to lead.  So, Zuhra, Kevin, Cesar and Sean, with some guidance from Cathy, led the effort to structure the internship, evaluate resumes, interview candidates, and gave input on who we should select.  Over the next eight weeks, they will lead and manage Varun and Noah in their respective functional areas in the firm. 

For those who worry that future generations may not be up to the task of addressing all of the problems in the world, I think we all should engage deeply with some of these younger people.  A friend of mine who is a very senior Army officer told me that she engages a younger person as a mentor so that she can broaden her thinking.  The next generations may do things very differently than we have done in the past but, through this internship process and the professionalism that our young leaders bring to the job each day, I have seen the promise that these future generations bring.

I’m grateful for the leadership shown by Zuhra, Kevin, Cesar and Sean and for Cathy’s stewardship over the process. I’m looking forward to working with Noah and Varun and learning from them. In a world where every day gives one an easy path toward pessimism, I’m optimistic that current and future leaders can help us overcome the challenges we face.

This week’s selection is:


The World: A Brief Introduction by Richard Haase

The World is designed to provide readers of any age and experience with the essential background and building blocks they need to make sense of this complicated and interconnected world. It will empower them to manage the flood of daily news. Readers will become more informed, discerning citizens, better able to arrive at sound, independent judgments. While it is impossible to predict what the next crisis will be or where it will originate, those who read The World will have what they need to understand its basics and the principal choices for how to respond.