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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 182 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 182

Oliver Burkeman’s book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, tackles the age-old problem of how people should manage their time. In particular, the book focuses on how people should prioritize what they need to do and want to do and, ultimately, how to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 181 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 181

In books on health and wellbeing, I’ve noticed references to the Hawthorne effect. The easiest way for me to define it is to quote from Peter Attia’s book on longevity, Outlive. Dr. Attia was describing his treatment to help patients improve their nutrition by using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM).

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 180 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 180

Last week, we moved my daughter into her dorm, and she started classes this week as a freshman. I had completely mixed emotions, as, on the one hand, I know that our job as parents is to prepare our children for independence and good citizenship. On the other hand, I didn’t want to let go.

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 179 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 179

Views on perfectionism and perfectionists are varied, but I think that most people believe that the positives of perfectionism outweigh the negatives. Thomas Curran, a professor at the London School of Economics, takes a different view and wrote about it in his book, The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough.

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 178 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 178

I had just about completed writing this week when I heard that Robbie Robertson had died. So, I started over. Robertson was 80 years old, and back in the 1960s, he was a member of The Band.

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Are We There Yet?  vol. 177 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 177

For over 550 years, the bell in Pienza, Italy, a small Tuscan village, has rung every half hour, including all night. Recently, though, the bell has been silenced during the hours of midnight and 7 a.m.

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