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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet? vol. 51 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 51

Earlier this week, a friend and client emailed me with a link to a New York Times article titled In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Changes. I have included the link down below. As you might be able to guess, the article is about climate change and the impact of changes in the Gulf Stream that are presumed to be currently impacting climate and are expected to have much more dramatic impacts in the future.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 50 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 50

Last week while in an internal meeting with some of my colleagues at The Wolf Group, I experienced another instance of communication and curiosity which led to more knowledge. One of my partners, Mishkin Santa, was discussing some pro-bono work that the firm does to assist victims of human trafficking. I was somewhat shocked for two reasons.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 49 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 49

With Valentine’s Day last weekend, I decided to listen to Krista Tippett’s On Being podcast “The True Hard Work of Love and Relationships.” Her guest was Alain de Botton, a writer and philosopher who is the chairperson of The School of Life which is dedicated to helping people lead more resilient and fulfilled lives.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 48 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 48

Several weeks ago, my pastor, Reverend Dorota Wright-Pruski began her sermon with this statement. “The pandemic has revealed, among other things, a collective penchant for accumulating stuff. From panic buying flour and toilet paper to buying out every manner of home appliance including air fryers and deep freezers, to creating an unprecedented demand for Pelaton bikes and patio heaters.“

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Are We There Yet? vol. 47 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 47

A few weeks ago, the Sunday New York Times Magazine cover story was “The Last Two Northern White Rhinos On Earth – What will we lose when Najin and Fatu die?” We were on our way home from Vermont and found the podcast narration of the story. I would encourage you all to read or listen to this beautiful story.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 46 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 46

There is a lot of talk these days about journeys and destinations. Quotes about focusing not just on the destination but also enjoying the journey abound. This destination/journey dilemma is not a recent phenomenon. “Life is a journey, not a destination” is attributed to American author, Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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