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Episode 7: Navigating and Balancing Risks with Joseph Brunsman, Cyber Law + Liability Brokerage Expert Thumbnail

Episode 7: Navigating and Balancing Risks with Joseph Brunsman, Cyber Law + Liability Brokerage Expert

Wealth Harmony with April Turch, Episode 7

In this episode of Wealth Harmony, April Turch speaks with Joseph Brunsman, a self-taught expert in robotics and cybersecurity law, who transitioned from the Navy to a successful career in insurance, leveraging his expertise to provide comprehensive coverage solutions at his firm in New York City.

Tune in to the episode to hear about:

* Educational Autodidacticism: Despite skipping numerous English classes growing up, Joseph developed strong self-learning skills, leading to academic success in robotics and cybersecurity law.

* Navigating Career Transitions: Transitioning from the Navy to law and eventually insurance, Joseph found his niche by leveraging family connections and recognizing his aversion to traditional schooling.

* From Setback to Success: Initially hampered by restrictions on marketing his insurance services, Joseph's pivot to educational YouTube content unexpectedly propelled his business and industry influence.

* Balancing Priorities: Prioritizing family and business while sacrificing social engagements, Joseph finds fulfillment in his passions and a deliberate approach to life's demands.

* Empowering Through Education: Joseph's dedication to educating his children through unlimited book investments reflects his belief in the transformative power of curiosity and learning.

* Overcoming Limiting Beliefs:  Healthy amounts help foster curiosity and success.  When out of balance it can hold us back from standing out and taking healthy risks. 

Learn more about Joseph Brunsman:

* Connect with Joseph Brunsman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephbrunsman

* Follow Brunsman Advisory Group LLC on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/brunsman-advisory-group-llc/about

* Visit Joseph Brunsman on channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/josephbrunsman     

* Visit Joseph Brunsman’s website: www.thebrunsgroup.com

* Get your free e-book today from Joseph Brunsman: www.thebrunsgroup.com/book2

Our objective is to share meaningful insights on ways we help our clients and community reduce stress and focus on what is important. 

Watch more episodes of Wealth Harmony:

 * YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeWndA5j_QY2dxLdnTNd6_E1PB7-x25pU

 * Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wealth-harmony/id1731849327

* Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4GI3ovAduXgb7kqPanDe12?si=8f7b92d715fa4d53

 * Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/09eb7f3e-8d82-462d-84b5-4eb2d86bfb47/wealth-harmony

 * Website: https://wolfgroupcapital.com/podcast

Connect and learn more from your host, April Turch:

 * Website: https://wolfgroupcapital.com/

 * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aprilturch/

 * Email: aturch@wolfgroupcapital.com

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