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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are we there yet?  vol. 158 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 158

If you were looking back over the last century, what would the banner headline for this time period be...? This question was posed by Dr. Steven Johnson during a Ted Talk. He indicated one might think it would be about one of the World Wars, or man walking on the moon, or the dawn of the computer age.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 157 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 157

Washington Post columnist Helaine Olen wrote a recent opinion piece titled Vanishing phone customer service is driving us all insane that rang true for my family. She notes various examples in which she has become frustrated because these days it is very difficult to reach an actual live person.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 156 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 156

How many of you have said something to the effect of “I know I shouldn’t be complaining but . . . “We seem to have an aversion, not to complaining, but to having other people thinking that we are complaining. Personally, I love to complain. It’s not my best attribute.

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Are we there yet? vol. 155

This morning, when I opened The Washington Post, there was a front-page article about another athlete behaving badly. In this case, it was NBA basketball sensation, Ja Morant, accused of violent and aggressive behavior off the court. But I don’t want to talk about Ja Morant. I want to talk about Damian Lillard. You may be wondering, who is Damian Lillard?

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Are we there yet?  vol. 154 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 154

Many studies have shown that one way to be happier is to increase your social connections and that those of us who maintain social connections reduce chances of suffering from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. But studies also show that people are less social than they were prior to the pandemic.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 153 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 153

John Jaso is a former major league baseball player. Five years ago, he did something that not many pro athletes have done and for that matter, something not many people have done. At 34 years old and just ahead of signing a new contract for millions of dollars, he retired.

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