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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are we there yet?  vol. 152 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 152

The future of the workplace and whether employees will return to offices partially or fully presents an interesting set of questions for employers and employees. As with many complex issues, “it depends” is a common answer because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 151 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 151

Recently, I listened to an interview of Lant Pritchett. He is a developmental economist who worked for 20 years at The World Bank and is affiliated with Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government. The topic for the interview was the news that the global population had declined. In the interview, he noted that “The reaction is often ‘ho hum’ as the rates are slow and hence the issue seems small and in the future.”

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Are we there yet?  vol. 150 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 150

If you haven’t heard of Liquid Death, the image above might conjure thoughts of an alcoholic beverage or an energy drink. That’s what I thought when I saw my son with this can the first time. He laughed at me and explained that it’s just sparkling water. He explained he “likes the taste” which made me laugh at him. It’s water with no taste is what made me chuckle.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 149 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 149

Why do people enjoy watching videos of dogs on a bus? I’m not quite sure but since some of these videos get millions of views, it’s clear that people do enjoy watching these videos. I find the story behind the videos even more interesting.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 148 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 148

On January 3rd, astronaut Walt Cunningham died, and I’ll admit that I didn’t know anything about him. I suspect that most people know of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they were the first people to walk on the moon in 1969. I certainly remember Armstrong’s famous line of taking “one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.”

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Are we there yet?  vol. 147 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 147

I imagine that everyone starts January thinking about goals that they want to accomplish in the new year and goals that were not fully accomplished in the prior year. We are inundated with messages about how to plan for better lives and techniques to help us accomplish those goals.

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