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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are we there yet?  vol. 146 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 146

I thought it would be appropriate to end the year with a story from the Metropolitan Diary in the Sunday NYT. A woman has two tickets to see the Chicago Symphony at Carnegie Hall when the person who was supposed to join her cancels suddenly.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 145 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 145

There is a lot of discussion these days about price inflation, but a friend sent me an article from the Economist which noted another type of inflation – job title inflation. Receptionists become Directors of First Impressions and undertakers become Directors of Last Impressions.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 144 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 144

I thought I was ahead of the curve by writing this week’s edition earlier than usual. Well, that adage about the best laid plans holds true once again. I was cooking dinner and watching the PBS NewsHour on Wednesday evening. December 14th marked the 10th anniversary of the Sandy Hook school shooting in which 20 students and six educators were killed.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 143 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 143

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot is likely not a name with which you are familiar. I know I wasn’t before I heard her story. She tells the story of when she was a law student. She didn’t have any money. None for gas and none for food. She was desperate and found herself at the local Salvation Army in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 142 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 142

One of the staples of my holiday season is that I lead the Christmas Tree Sales ministry for my church. The goals of this ministry are to engage with our local community and to raise funds for the church.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 141 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 141

This week marks the start of the holiday season. Although if you’re a holiday shopper, the ads and marketing seemed to have started months ago. Those in the U.S. will celebrate Thanksgiving this week, which is modeled after the harvest feast shared by the Wampanoag people and English colonists.

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