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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are we there yet?  vol. 140 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 140

Although I realize that joys and tragedies happen every day, this past week felt like there were only tragedies. Among them were the shooting that killed three students at the University of Virginia.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 139 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 139

In a recent conversation with a friend, we were discussing (complaining) about the amount of time we think young people are wasting on social media. I think almost everyone over the age of 40 worries about Tik Tok and other social media as a time drain and sources of misinformation. The discussion reminded me of a personal story related to this topic that has a different twist to it.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 138 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 138

“I’ve got so many things to do, I can’t get anything done.” This line sounds like something that Yogi Berra would have said akin to “that restaurant is so crowded, nobody goes there.” But my guess is that you or someone you know, has made this statement, or something similar, in the past.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 137 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 137

Earlier this week I was emailing with a client and friend, Craig, and noted that my daughter, Isabel, will be graduating from high school this year. He emailed back that I must have been thinking with my “senior brain” because, in his mind, there was no way Isabel could be old enough to be graduating. Personally, having a “senior brain” is proof that my daughter could be graduating from high school.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 136 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 136

“My son has lived through four chancellors, three home secretaries, two prime ministers and two monarchs . . . he’s four month old.” This commentary on what’s happened in the UK recently made me chuckle.

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Are we there yet?  vol. 135 Thumbnail

Are we there yet? vol. 135

Last week I was having a classic parent-child moment as I was bugging my son about something I thought he should be doing. He stared at me and said, “You’re just chasing the cheese.”

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