Are We There Yet? vol. 254
If you haven’t noticed, people seem to be on edge. Whether it’s weather events, inflation, the economy, or politics, stress levels seem to be higher than normal.
"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."
If you haven’t noticed, people seem to be on edge. Whether it’s weather events, inflation, the economy, or politics, stress levels seem to be higher than normal.
The new year began with violence as we woke up that morning to learn that a terrorist had driven his car into a group of revelers in New Orleans, killing and injuring many. A week later, those living in Los Angeles found themselves in the path of numerous wildfires leading to 24 deaths to date and billions of dollars in damages.
The new year is a time for making resolutions about things you want to accomplish in the coming twelve months. For many of us, exercise and overall health may top the list and are often the resolutions that fall to the wayside within a couple of months.
Happy New Year. While we don’t know what the new year will bring to us, we do know one thing for sure. In 2025, each of us will get a year older. In Holly Burns 2023 New York Times article—"How to Change Your Mind-Set About Aging”—she notes, “People who think positively about getting older often live longer, healthier lives.”
In 2014, Russian scientists were trying to save an endangered species; the Amur tiger, otherwise known as the Siberian tiger. In one instance, two unrelated cubs, Svetlaya and Boris, had been rescued in the wild as young cubs.
In The Washington Post last week, Alexandra Hudson wrote an Op-Ed piece about one way to save friendships. Ms. Hudson is “passionate about the way that ideas and storytelling change people’s lives” and is the author of The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves.