Are We There Yet? vol. 81
Yesterday was a typical day for me. I had a variety of meetings with clients, internal meetings, got kids off to school, made meals, etc. It is probably a similar set of activities that many of you have.
"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."
Yesterday was a typical day for me. I had a variety of meetings with clients, internal meetings, got kids off to school, made meals, etc. It is probably a similar set of activities that many of you have.
A client and friends sent me an article from Monday’s Washington Post written by Petula Dvorak was about an effort undertaken by the residents of the Goodwin House retirement community.
I read a story today about a tech and software entrepreneur who provided $15 million in funding for a project to bring back the wooly mammoth. Harvard University professor George Church who is known for his pioneering work in genome sequencing is leading the effort to bring back the extinct mammoth by using a gene-splicing technique to splice DNA from frozen mammoths into the DNA of Asian elephants.
The beginning of the school year brings a lot of stress to families and mine is no different. We have three children in three different schools, and the logistics of getting them everywhere they need to be on time is challenging, not to mention all of the anxiety relating to meeting new friends, new teachers and the transition back to a normal, in-person, school schedule.
As we all have seen recently, there is a lot of depressing news these days. But the Belgian government has provided some relief by announcing a new property law that went into effect on September 1. It’s an issue that may keep some awake at night with worry but no more. In Belgium, as of September 1, retrieving a ball or pet that accidentally ends up in your neighbor’s yard is now legal.
On Monday, our company had a charity event supporting Shelter House. Shelter House, Inc. is a community-based, non-profit organization that provides crisis intervention, safe housing, and supportive services to homeless families and victims of domestic violence in our community.