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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet? vol. 69 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 69

On Sunday, our family went to our first church service inside the church since March 2020. After the service, many of our fellow congregants noted that they thought we were a new family because they didn’t recognize our kids. My sons have grown 8 to 10 inches in the past 16 months. When I got home, my wife and I were remarking, with fond recollection, about how much our family had changed over the years and sometimes how we miss those times.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 68 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 68

This past week, I was fortunate to have been on holiday on a Covid-delayed trip to Belize. Travelling was different with mask and testing requirements, but it was nice to take some time to refresh and reflect.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 67 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 67

In an article in Inc. magazine, Jessica Stillman writes about time management and quotes author Oliver Burkeman “You almost certainly can’t consistently do the kind of work that demands serious mental focus for more than three or four hours a day.” This was news to me having spent careers surrounded by colleagues, peers and clients who seem to work a lot more than 4 hours a day.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 66 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 66

This week, Wolf Group Capital Advisors welcomed two college students for an eight-week internship where they will learn all facets of our business. Our hope is that they will learn a lot but also that we will learn a lot too. Varun and Noah join us from the University of Virginia and Middlebury College, respectively. Both young men are engaging, smart, curious and very excited about the eight weeks ahead.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 65 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 65

In my job, I talk to many people who have interesting careers, are raising families, may be taking care of elderly parents and are involved in many other social, political or personal activities. Just thinking about this last sentence has made my heart rate increase. It seems like a lot of challenges and possibly a lot of stress.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 64 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 64

Recently I listened to author Daniel Pink’s podcast and in this session, he was interviewing Katy Milkman of the Wharton School of Management. Dr. Milkman wrote the book How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

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