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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet? vol. 27 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 27

My dogs are mad at me this week. Last week, I noted some events, both public and personal, that had occurred over the last 20 years. My dogs were not mentioned thus the cold shoulder. As I’m sure most of you know, there are two things about pet owners. 1) their pets are smarter than most other pets and 2) the owners put human emotions on their pets. We have two Golder Retrievers. Harvey is 5 years old and Hope is a 15-week-old puppy.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 26 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 26

I heard from several readers that they like the week number in the title because it gives them a reference point to how long we have been fighting Covid. So, for those who found seeing the “week” number stressful, I’ve called it a volume number as a compromise.

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Are We There Yet? vol. 25 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? vol. 25

I made a change to the blog heading this week by removing the week number in the title. My good friend and advisor, Ellen, told me last week that seeing the week number in this blog headline was getting depressing. When she sees it, she starts thinking about when it will be week 52.

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Are We There Yet? Week 24 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 24

First of all, I can’t believe that August is ending. It still feels like mid-March to me. Mark Twain supposedly said that “it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” Right now, we are all subject to trying to navigate our way through life amidst what seems to be an unprecedented level of uncertainty. When will the Covid crisis end? How can I avoid getting sick? Why has the stock market recovered during this crisis?

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Are We There Yet? Week 23 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 23

Last week, my email was about chance encounters and not ignoring things happening around you. While I am an optimistic person who looks for the good in all encounters, I also need to be careful to avoid those trying to take advantage of my better instincts. Earlier this year, I found this message in my junk mail. (As an aside, someone should write a book about the messages we all receive in our junk mail. Very entertaining.)

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Are We There Yet? Week 22 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 22

On Monday, I was emailing with a client and friend, Craig, and we got into a discussion about luck and coincidence. I’m sure we have all had that feeling like we know someone but can’t figure out why. Sometimes, we just ignore the feeling and go on with our day. I try to not ignore those feelings as you never know what may result from one of those encounters. It was Monday morning pre-caffeine, so Craig and I didn’t delve into the topic too deeply.

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