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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet? Week 15 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 15

After weeks of hopefully considering a return to normal either in the fall or in the new year, the Covid news does not look good. I can imagine that many are thinking sadly of summer plans that are gone and thinking back to better times. I am generally not a fan of rap music but I do like a song by Macklemore called Good Old Days.

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Are We There Yet? Week 14 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 14

A number of weeks ago, in the May 15th “Are we there yet”, I wrote that with the re-opening of the economy, we would see new anxieties and stresses about what is appropriate behavior. We are now seeing a big debate on whether to wear masks. Locally, I know a restaurant group which will require masks and will have a zero-tolerance policy. They understand that they may lose some business but feel strongly that they better protect their employees and patrons by requiring masks. I commend them for having a rule and sticking to it.

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Are We There Yet? Week 13 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 13

Last week, there was a story in Arlington that there was a yearling black bear spotted in the parking lot of Bishop O’Connell High School dumpster diving for food. Unfortunately for him, there was no food because the schools are closed. Then, this past Sunday, my daughter was in our backyard when a coyote pup wandered in, scaring both of them out of their wits. The pup was very cute and eventually left after sunset. The following day, my daughter was out there again when a six-foot black snake slithered up onto our patio and under her chair. We felt as if we were living in an animal sanctuary.

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Are We There Yet? Week 12 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 12

Usually I try to keep this email humorous each week while trying also make a point – but not this week with all that is happening. Emotions have been on a roller coaster since early March, starting with fears about COVID-19 illness and death. We then hit the despair and worry about shutdowns, unemployment, and economic hardship.

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Are We There Yet? Week 11 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 11

The old phrase “be careful what you wish for” is particularly relevant for me in the last week. In an effort to distract my boys (ages 13 and 11) from video games and YouTube, I told them to get outside and do something productive. Their idea of productive may differ from the classical definition. They decided that our playset needed a remodel. They removed the swings and slides and are converting the structure into a clubhouse. . . the most expensive clubhouse ever built.

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Are We There Yet? Week 10 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 10

I think some people think we’ve arrived but if we have, I have no idea where we are. Now that states are re-opening, all of us face the challenge of what to do next. As I noted last week, the prospect of venturing out will lead to differing stress levels for all of us.

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