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Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

"Since the pandemic started, I've wanted to stay connected with our community. Through the form of a weekly blog, I share my insights and reflections on various topics."

Bob Len, Managing Director

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Are We There Yet? Week 9 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 9

As some states are starting to re-open, things are getting weird. This article references The Inn at Little Washington. The Inn is in Washington, Virginia, to the west of Washington DC and is the only Michelin 3-star restaurant in the area. As noted in the article, tasting menus before wine pairings start at $248 per person. To make patrons feel that the restaurant is full, the restaurant is going to seat mannequins in vintage 1940s outfits at empty tables. The first thought that came to my mind is that if I want to eat dinner surrounded by a bunch of dummies not wearing masks, I can find a less expensive alternative closer to home.

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Are We There Yet? Week 8 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 8

I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon recently. A lot of people are getting puppies during the crisis. One of my neighbors just got two puppies, my brother is getting a puppy and my colleague, Cathy, knows seven families who have gotten or are getting puppies.

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Are We There Yet? Week 7 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 7

I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m feeling that I’ve had enough of the stay at home experience. I suspect that many of us are feeling anxiety and stress whether it is just a dull sense in the background or much more pronounced.

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Are We There Yet? Week 6 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 6

The high point this week was my wife’s birthday on Sunday. The kids made her a cake. The low point was when our dog, Harvey, ate a freshly made batch of chocolate chip cookies the same day.

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Are We There Yet? Week 5 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 5

This week, there were no injuries in the Len household so it was pretty uneventful. Before I get to the new entertainment ideas, I’ll share what some have learned during their stay-at-home. To protect privacy, I won’t share our client’s full name, but thank you, Betty!

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Are We There Yet? Week 4 Thumbnail

Are We There Yet? Week 4

This week, I’m grateful that my family did not end up in the Emergency Room. One of my boys tried to tackle our house playing football in the back yard and may have broken his nose. The other stepped on the end of a charger playing basketball in our basement and has a nice puncture wound but both seem okay at the moment. The last place I want to visit right now is an emergency room. I hope that all of you and your families remain healthy and safe.

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